Golden Star Hunters Big Chief Larry Bannock

These are just a few samples of the many photographs available for ordering online at or click on each individual image to be taken to the ordering site.



 To view more images of the Golden Star Hunters Big Chief Larry Bannock funeral,
please click on each image or go directly on my other site







   To view more images of the Golden Star Hunters Big Chief Larry Bannock funeral,

please click on each image or go directly on my other site



At the The Multimedia Art Museum – Moscow House of Photography

Phil Harris Jazz funeral


April 10, 2014
I’m very excited to have these photos of mine selected to be shown at the The Multimedia Museum – Moscow House of Photography as part of a show sponsored by the U.S Embassy in Moscow to highlight America’s diversity for Russian audiences. The Multimedia Museum is the leading institution exhibiting photography in Moscow with recent exhibitions of Elliot Erwitt, Sebastiano Salgado, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Martin Parr, Alec Soth, Steve McCurry, August Sander, Berenice Abbott and upcoming 2014 exhibitions of Garry Winogrand. The New Orleans Culture Exhibition runs from May to July 2014.


Sallie Ann Glassman Voodoo Priestesess


About the photographs:
On June 9th, 2010, Discovery channel filmed a funeral parade to honor the life of Captain Phil Harris from TV’s Deadliest Catch. Crew from Deadliest Catch and the music of The Soul Rebels Brass band attended-in the Marigny District Jazz funeral event in New Orleans.

Voodoo Ceremony with Vodou Priestess Sallie Ann Glassman. Original post here:

These  are just a few samples of the many photographs available for ordering online at or click on each individual image to be taken to the ordering site.




2014 Krewe of Zulu Pictures !

April 1st 2014

What an incredible Mardi Gras it was, my love/obsession for shooting with the rain came through this 2014 Mardi Gras day and on top of that I really got up and close to my all time favorite Krewe of  Zulu for some unreal pictures! It was VERY cold and miserable, ( at least for New Orleans standards) but nothing great comes easy in life, does it…I suffered more than you can imagine, trust me on dat,  but some of the Zulu photographs are in my opinion simply amazing! I’ll let you decide! ok?


These are just a few samples of the many photographs available for ordering online at or click on each individual image to be taken to the ordering site.


 Krewe of  Zulu New Orleans
Krew of Zulu ! Click image to purchase a print on


Click image to purchase a print on



Click image to purchase a print on


 Zulu Mardi Gras New Orleans
Click image to purchase a print on


 Zulu New Orleans
Click image to purchase a print on


 Krew of zulu New Orleans Mardi Gras 2014


New Orleans Black and White Photography of Zulu
Click image to purchase a print on


As always click on each picture above to purchase a fine art print from my other site or to see many more in a larger size;  The smaller size in here doesn’t do justice to the images!

Black and white photos of the French Quarter

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I usually love for my images a muted and slightly unsaturated palette of colors, but when the light is just right, and the contrast  screams at me, black and white conveys in my opinion a more timeless and mysterious feel to the photographs, and in this case, on these shots below, I think black and white worked just fine! Yes the French Quarter was very cold and wet by the way!

These 5 pictures ( and more) are available as Fine Art Prints on my other site By clicking on each image below you will be taken there to that specific photo.

Click image to purchase a print on


These 5 pictures ( and more) are available as Fine Art Prints on my other site By clicking on each image will be taken there to that specific photo.


Click image to purchase a print on


Click image to purchase a print on

Click image to purchase a print on

All these pictures above ( and more) are available as Fine Art Prints on my other site By clicking on each image above you will be taken there to that specific photo.

St Louis Cathedral Photography

posted in: Photography, Prints for Sale | 0
St Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter
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I think I can honestly say I have closed the chapter on shooting the St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter of  New Orleans…LOL,  Just kidding of course!  But these are a few of my best, all taken in a very  cold day before sunrise. They are available as color or black and white fine art prints; by clicking each image you will be taken to my other site where you can order prints. Thanks!


If you would like to see  all of my available New Orleans Fine Art Photography online, please go to where you can order photo prints (even framed), and canvas gallery wraps online.


St. Louis Cathedral art
Click image to purchase a print on


If you would like to see  all of my available New Orleans Fine Art Photography online, please go to where you can order photo prints (even framed), and canvas gallery wraps online.

St Louis cathedral photo for sale
Click image to purchase a print on


If you would like to see  all of my available New Orleans Fine Art Photography online, please go to where you can order photo prints (even framed), and canvas gallery wraps online.