I usually love for my images a muted and slightly unsaturated palette of colors, but when the light is just right, and the contrast screams at me, black and white conveys in my opinion a more timeless and mysterious feel to the photographs, and in this case, on these shots below, I think black and white worked just fine! Yes the French Quarter was very cold and wet by the way!
These 5 pictures ( and more) are available as Fine Art Prints on my other site nolaPIC.com. By clicking on each image below you will be taken there to that specific photo.
These 5 pictures ( and more) are available as Fine Art Prints on my other site nolaPIC.com. By clicking on each image will be taken there to that specific photo.
All these pictures above ( and more) are available as Fine Art Prints on my other site nolaPIC.com. By clicking on each image above you will be taken there to that specific photo.