This image of St Louis Cathedral makes me VERY happy since I waited for quite a long time yesterday to capture this photo. I have seen many shots of St Lous Cathedral, but the light, weather and angle in this photo, makes it very unique, moody and romantic. It was very well worth it to deal with rain and super high humidity yay! It is available as a 10″x 10″ or 20″x 20″ fine art print or as a 20″x20″ giclees (canvas gallery wrap).
To see more New Orleans photography and purchase high quality prints please visit
If you have read the famous book a “A Confederacy of Dunces” you should already know about these Lucky Dogs carts that are all over the French Quarter selling “gourmet hot dogs”. I tried to eat one once, but since I wasn’t drunk ( I don’t ever drink) it tasted pretty nasty to me. Maybe I forgot the relish , who knows, maybe it is true that people just eat them to soak up some the handgranades they have had :). Anyway, getting back to business, this image is available as a fine art print here.
To see more New Orleans photography and purchase high quality prints please visit