What has been going on photography wise?!?

I have been pretty busy the past year shooting unit stills on movies, so I have been focusing (pun intended) on getting more work in the movie industry which I really love doing! My fine art photography and headshots activity have therefore greatly decreased, but I am in the process of copyrighting a lot of killer photos that have been sitting on my backup drives instead of being appreciated (or purchased!) online. Hang on for a little bit longer because by the end of 2016/early 2017 I should have all the work done and have my latest work online at nolaPIC.com In the meantime here’re a couple of headshots fresh off my cameras, which i still enjoy doing very much when I have the time.




New Still Photography site AlfonsoBresciani.com

posted in: unit stills photograpjy | 0

Alfonso Pompo Bresciani is an IATSE Local 600 Unit Still Photographer based in New Orleans

My new website specifically designed for unit still photography work (related to feature films and tv productions only) is finally done and online at www.AlfonsoBresciani.com ! All the unit still photography work related to feature films and television work will only be published there from now on.

Check it out and let me know what you think, you can comment on my blog there as well!

Unit Stills Photography

posted in: unit stills photograpjy | 0

I have just had my new unit stills photography website done with some of my latest unit stills set from a few feature films I have recently worked on. Check it out and stay tuned for more stills coming very soon! Head on over to www.AlfonsoBresciani.com